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Ā© Generation Environment, PBC

The Climate Roundup

Will The Dodgers 86 The 76, GOP Likes The Clean Green, Neck Fans, and More!

by Kristen K
Aug 11 2024
Dodgers Stadium

Hey climate heroes! Welcome to The Climate Roundup, where we round up the change, er the news about climate and the environment. As part of the Gen E community, we thank you for making climate action part of everyday life. (Reading this newsletter counts!)

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In Pop Culture:

Dodger Stadium
Dodger Stadium, Los Angeles

āš¾ļø If youā€™ve ever watched an LA Dodgers game played at Dodger Stadium, you may recall the orange and blue 76 logo representing both the gas station that once stood on the ballparkā€™s property and a long term sponsorship deal between the Dodgers and the oil and gas company, Phillips 66. Well, much likeĀ my ponderingĀ as to whether the Edmonton Oilers should drop their oil industry ties, thereā€™s a growing consortium of climate-aware fans, activists, and celebrities pressuring Dodgersā€™ owner, Mark Walter, toĀ end the dirty sponsorship. I think all of us here know why, but as a Dodgers fan simply put it, ā€œDonā€™t pledge your allegiance to the corporations that are causing harmā€.

Getting Down To Climate Business:

šŸ˜ 18 House Republicans wrote a letter to Republican House Speaker, Mike Johnson, urging toĀ keep the clean energy tax creditsĀ from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Trump has vowed to repeal the IRA if he wins the White House. But the majority of cleantech investment spurred by the IRA has gone to red states, and some GOP leaders, including some governors and congress people, are beginning toĀ speak up, because theyā€™d like to keep the new jobs and economic development growing in their states.

ā§ The unsexy side of the clean energy transition is our outdated power grid. The Biden admin just announcedĀ $2.2B in grantsĀ to projects around the country that will modernize and expand grid infrastructure. An additional $10B is expected to be invested from the private sector and local governments. This is the second round of grid grants, thanks to the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

šŸ›« United Airlines will start usingĀ lower carbon fuelĀ made from cooking oil and animal fat waste for some flights leaving from Chicago Oā€™Hare. JetBlue is doing the same from JFK. In both cases, the better-fuel only makes up a single digit share of each airlineā€™s total fuel used at just those airports, but baby steps are still steps.

šŸ’¦ A California-basedĀ startupĀ isĀ harvesting water from the airĀ using just sunlight (no electricity required) to address the issue of water scarcity – a growing concern as climate change dries up water sources around the world. Atmospheric water harvesting turns water vapor in the air into liquid water. Itā€™s an exciting field of research since it can be done anywhere, anytime, and has potential to provide a stable, clean source of water at the household or community level.

šŸ¦­ Researchers in Australia found a new way to explore never-before-seen parts of the ocean floor in endangered areas – by (safely)Ā strapping cameras onto sea lions! Itā€™s a lot cheaper than building robots to do it, plus they now have footage of hunting behavior and mother sea lions teaching their pups. Check out the footageĀ here.

šŸ„‘ You might want to hold the avocado, especially if itā€™s imported from Mexico, as 93% of imported avocados are. As detailed in thisĀ investigative reportingĀ piece, the Mexican avocado trade is now rife with illegal orchards draining water supply, deforestation, and extortion from cartels. U.S. companies are under scrutiny for ignoring whatā€™s happening in their supply chains.

Some Stats

Dem Veep pick, Tim Walzā€™s state of Minnesota produces this much of its energy from clean sources

Source: NYTimes

Acres burned so far from Californiaā€™s Park Fire; itā€™s only 37% contained

Source: Cal Fire

Are Neck Fans The New Crocs?

Neck fans are exactly what they claim to be – a fan slung around your neck. They are one example in the new industry of heat gadgets, intended to cool us down as our planet heats up. This is the consumer product side of climate capitalism for adaptation, not mitigation.Ā This articleĀ in The Atlantic explores the neck fanā€™s destined ubiquity and its potential for making us feel cooler. Cooler, that is, in temperature, certainly not cooler in fashion. Though itā€™s important to note that scientifically, it does not actually cool down your body temperature, for this gadget is in fact a low tech plastic mind trick. But get used to new, weird gadgets cropping up. New world, new problems.