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  • There's no place like Earth

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  • There's no place like Earth

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  • There's no place like Earth


Earth’s air is the perfect mixture of gases for easy breathing. The air here is freedom – the freedom to roam around as we please. It’s certainly not this way on other planets. Not to mention, we get fresh water from the air when it rains and snows. It protects us from too much radiation from the sun. It traps just enough heat for a lovely existence where things can grow. And how about those sunsets?! The colors we get to see are unique to our planet. Yup, life here on Earth is a breeze – let’s try to keep it that way.

  • 3.4°C current track of warming above pre-industrial times; the world agreed to a limit of 1.5°C per the Paris Agreement
  • 50% increase in heat-trapping atmospheric carbon dioxide since before the Industrial Revolution
Lifestyle activities thanks to air
  • 😮‍💨 Breathing
  • 🌅 Watching sunsets
  • ✈️ Air travel
  • ⛵️ Sailing
  • 🌌 Stargazing
  • ⚾️ Homeruns
  • 🍃 Feeling the breeze
  • 🌨 Snow days
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skateboarder doing a jump in the air
Key Solutions
  • End the extraction, burning, use, and financing of fossil fuels
  • Deploy and invest in renewable energy
  • Reduce food waste, increase plant-rich diets
  • Protect nature’s carbon sinks

Add Air to your Gen E portfolio with…

1 Funds

To make it even easier to support what matters most, we’ve curated themed impact funds. As a Gen E philanthropist, you can donate your spare change to help make big change for our atmosphere. 

Climate Fund
  • Clean energy
  • Decarbonize industry
  • End fossil fuel production
  • Support climate solutions
Cleanup Fund
  • Anti-pollution
  • Corporate accountability
  • Supply chain cleanup
  • Remove and stop ocean plastic
Foodie Fund
  • Better food systems
  • Regenerative Ag
  • Sustainable ocean farming
  • Methane reductions
Nature Fund
  • Protect it all
  • Conservation
  • Rewilding
  • Restoration
  • Sustainable use
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2 Nonprofits

Gen E members are seamlessly supporting initiatives to restore air quality via these nonprofits.  Learn more about their work in the app. 

  • Environmental Defense Fund

  • Coalition for Rainforest Nations

  • Indigenous Environmental Network

  • CLIMA Fund

  • Climate Reality Project

  • Eden: People+Planet

  • The Honnold Foundation

  • Northeast Wilderness Trust

  • One Tree Planted


  • Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network International

  • NRDC

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